---Sun Shatters Morning Clouds - - - Again

FTLComm - Tisdale - December 11, 1999

It seems like this past week we have had an instant replay of the morning before as the dull and clouded sky parts as dawn occurs. This morning it was almost ten before the sun struggled forth shattering the mundane sky.

If you happen to check on the daily postings of a year ago you will notice that this week last year was also a time where we had a lot of articles during the week of impressive skies. It may well be that with sunset occuring so early and sunrise so late that this time of the year gives us some of the year's most spectacular skyscapes.

And talking about spectacular! Each year there are a group of houses just
West of the Saskatchewan River bridge at the Muskoday reserve that present some of the most impressive yard and house Christmas lighting anywhere. On Monday I showed you a picture of one of those houses, below are some others as they looked last night. Though these houses are side by side the picture below is a composite of the three.