FTLComm - Tisdale - May 29, 2000
Since the knocking down of the TUCs building in the fall and the hauling of the rubble away in the last days of December nothing of substance has been done to clean up the site. This is a puzzling problem since the school division did pay the contractor to demolish the building and clean up the site. It would appear that the clean up part has not been accomplished and it really is time that the work be done.

It is odd to have knocked the building down and leave such a mess behind in a town where things are looking
pretty darn good this year.
This unsightly and definitely unacceptable condition for an area with such an outstanding playing field seems odd and perhaps careless.

In these pictures taken this morning you can see the foundation to the building is still in place with some parts still sticking out of the ground as well as the two stairways still sitting there. Let us hope the Town and the school division can work something out and make this site something much better then it currently is now with rubble and pieces of metal sticking up all over the place.