Now if you are in the market for a new computer to replace the system you are using now there are a couple of good choices available this fall. Intel has produced some faster chips at a lower price if you want a Windows 98 machine check out some low cost machines coming on the market this fall but they must be equivalent to Pentium II or better in performance. If you want a Macintosh with its smoother less complex system we are accepting orders now on Apples new iMac. This thing is twice as fast as any speed of Pentium II and comes in an all in one design, monitor, speakers modem in slick package our price for it is $1999 and we will be begin delivering these after August 15 but because of the demand we require these to be pre-paid.

In all cases, new is better. No matter what platform you should be able to buy a computer many times better and easier to use than anything available up to now for less then $2100 including everything except the tax.

But for heavens sakes don’t buy computers that were designed several years ago and dealers are selling them off at low prices because of the coming newer and better machines. A Windows 95 machine running at 166 or 200 is like going to a car dealership and buying a brand new car manufactured two and a half years ago even at $1000 you are wasting your money.