Instant Web Pages

FTLComm - Tisdale - May 31, 1999

IMAGE goclick01.jpg

We created several web sites usingNetObjects Fusion which is easy to work with and creates excellent sites but is a bit
miserable when it comes to rapid and repeated updating which is the case with most sites today. The Western Producer
is created with GoLive9s Cyberstudio which was recently purchased by Adobe and will continue to be one of the most
popular web site creating software applications to be used by professionals.

IMAGE goclick02.jpg

The beauty of using an application like this is that you can concentrate on learning one application well and not having to
know the ins and outs of yet another complex application. Myrmidon is marketed with education pricing and it is
expected that CoClick will be sold in the same manner which will mean that this will be the most cost effective manner of
having powerful web page composition software for students in school. If you are a Macintosh user and want to make a
web page now and then go to Terry Morse Software web site and download GoClick, give it a try. So far I like the
resulting product..

This article was created using GoClick from an AppleWorks 5.0 document. Click here to return to Ensign.
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