"That catfish was this big!"

A Recent Poll by The Pew Research Center:
Bushism's Public Opinion versus the Other World

Nipawin - Friday, January 4, 2002 - by: Mario deSantis
  We have been saying all along that the American media is being controlled by big corporate interests and that this media is distorting the way the public form their opinions.

Another evidence that the corporate media is brainwashing the public can be found by the results of a recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center.

This poll shows that the Americans see the world differently from other countries and this is particularly disturbing as President Bush is carrying his ideological agenda on the waves of his supposed 90% approval rating from the public.

As we have been mentioning, the Bush administration has been pursuing policies against the interests of civil liberties, against the interests of public transparency, and against the interests of the international community.

The tabulated results of this poll are shown and you can form your own opinion on the validity of these tables.







  Little Support for Expanding War on Terrorism. America admired, yet its new vulnerability seen as good thing, say opinion leaders, The Pew Research Center, December 19, 2001 http://www.people-press.org/121901rpt.htm
  A nation alone. Even our friends don't share America's image of itself, by R.C. Longworth. R.C. Longworth is a Tribune senior reporter, December 30, 2001 http://chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/nation/chi-0112300205dec30.story