The BIG LIE of the Free Market and Berlusconi's Nose

Nipawin - Sunday, March 3, 2002 - by: Mario deSantis


"A passionate kiss kills any virus, thank you all, I am healthy now"

Roberto Benigni, sick in bed, he sent this message to the half million people gathered in Rome and protesting the lies of Italian Free Marketeer Silvio Berlusconi, March 2, 2002




The Free Market is getting more concentrated and the oligopolistic leaders use money to make more money with the mathematical financial tools of hedge funds and derivatives while at the same time brainwashing people at large with their corporate controlled media. We have already mentioned how top executives at Enron, Global Crossing and Tyco were making money by inside trading, and these kind of financial games are more widespread than we can imagine.




George Bush was recently in Japan and his unintentional gaffe to use the word 'devaluation' rather than 'deflation' caused an immediate downward shock to the Japanese yen.




Today we have the news that hedge fund operator and television commentator Jim Cramer was making money by using CNBC anchors and his own television appearances to promote stocks that he would immediately sell. The corporate controlled media is an accomplice of the piracies taking place in the Free Market as it launders the news for the benefit of the big corporations and fortunate sons.


The political strife to support President George Bush's Free Market in Europe is getting a further push with the establishment of the 'BAB' axis between Prime Minister Tony Blair (United Kingdom), Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (Spain) and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Italy). The BAB axis wants Free Market reforms to deregulate the labour and energy market while at the same time France and Germany are taking a more populist position on behalf of the 17 million unemployed people in Europe.


Berlusconi has consolidated his control of the Italian media by taking over the direction of the state-owned RAI television while at the same time he is continuing his battles to clear himself of charges of corruption by continuously delaying his legal processes and by eventually using the statute of limitations. However, Silvio Berlusconi's regime appears to be in serious trouble as some hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered yesterday in Rome and charged Berlusconi of being a liar as they depicted him with a Pinocchio's nose. I couldn't imagine a better way to represent the BIG LIE of the Free Market.
  Lettera di Roberto Benigni per la manifestazione nazionale del 2 marzo 2002
  Does this man really think the Holocaust was a big joke? Brian Logan meets Roberto Benigni - director and star of Life Is Beautiful, Friday January 29, 1999, Guardian Unlimited,4135,36380,00.html
  Bush gaffe hits yen BBC News, Monday, 18 February, 2002
  ook Review 'Trading with the Enemy' by Nicholas Maier Robert Lenzner and Victoria Murphy, March 1, 2002
  Berlusconi and Blair push ahead with new alliance, by Stephen Castle in Brussels, 07 February 2002
  Ulivo, migliaia a Roma. Fassino e Rutelli richiamano all'"unit‡" Yahoo! Notizie Sabato 2 Marzo 2002