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'Knowing' or 'Not Knowing'?

"The Tao belongs neither to knowing nor not knowing. Knowing is false understanding, not knowing, blind ignorance. To really understand the Tao is like the empty sky. Why drag in right and wrong?"

-- Lao Tse (Quoted on a Listserv signature file)

Information Systems Add to Organizations' Inertia?

"Many modern information systems dysfunctionally add to organizations' inertia. Access to more information and more advanced decision aids does not necessarily make decision makers better informed or more able to decide."
George Bernard Shaw

-- Hedberg, B. & Jonsson, S. (1978). "Designing Semi-Confusing Information Systems for Organizations in Changing Environments," Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 3(1), pp. 47-64.

Progress Depends on Unreasonable Men?

"The reasonable man accommodates himself to the ways of the world. The unreasonable man attempts to get the world to accommodate itself to his ways. Progress depends on unreasonable men."

-- George Bernard Shaw (Quoted in a Listserv Message)