The Star Phoenix Versus Queen's Bench
Judge Ted Zarzeczny

By Mario deSantis, July 16, 1999

  I am appalled at the judgmental article of the StarPhoenix' Opinions(1) against Queen's Bench

a sustainable economic system is based on individual freedom, satisfaction of our needs, and creation of wealth

Judge Ted Zarzeczny. Judge Zarzeczny imposed a $120,000 fine to Saskatchewan nurses who
defied the law by not obeying the government's back to work legislation and the consequential
court's injunction. The writers of this article purport the interest of our failing "free market"
culture for economic stability and monetary growth based on greed, governmental regulations
and the rule of law. These writers cannot understand that a sustainable economic system is
based on individual freedom, satisfaction of our needs, and creation of wealth within the evolving
social order of common law; therefore, the article describes the $120,000 fine as a miniscule
penalty for breaking the law and contends that such a low fine has lessened the court's authority,
and that it will encourage other workers to demand higher wages by going on strike and defy the
  Further, the article states that the nurses avoided criminal records by donating the $120,000 penalty

the nurses had the legal right to strike to support their perceived needs

to health foundations in Regina and Saskatoon, and that the Saskatchewan Association of Health
Organizations, representing the health providers, will not be able to recover its legal costs. These
StarPhoenix writers are a laughing stock, and they just need to lower their arrogance, just a little bit,
and visit the web site of the North Central Internet News to realize that the governmental back to
work legislation was conceptually unconstitutional(2), that the nurses had the legal right to strike to
support their perceived needs(3), and that the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations(4)
not only has plenty of taxpayer money to mismanage, but represent health districts which have
  violated the rule of law in the past.
  These StarPhoenix journalists should serve the public readers and not their self traditional

those desk-bound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box

corporate interest; as a consequence, I suggest that they devote more attention in reporting
the deliberate violation of the rule of law by our privileged and ubiquitous bureaucratic agencies,
including the Workers Compensation Board(5) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health
Organizations(6). As the nurses are concerned, I hope they will continue with their dedicated
effort to better the health care system and "...I promise you this much: I promise you this one
sweet victory over . . . those desk-bound people with their hearts in a safe deposit box and their
  eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this: You will outlive the bastards...''(7)


Nurses' fine bad precedent, SP Opinions, The StarPhoenix, FORUM, July 12, 1999, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Steven Gibb, Les MacPherson, Sarath Peiris and Lawrence Thoner collaborate in writing SP editorials.


The Constitutionality of Bill 23 : Back to Work Legislation Against Saskatchewan Nurses, by Mario deSantis, June 9, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Premier Romanow is breaking down Saskatchewan's Rule of Law, by Mario deSantis, June 17, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


The Saskatchewan Government and SAHO: Mismanaging Health Care and Blackmailing SUN Nurses. May 9, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


The WCB is defrauding the Saskatchewan People, by Mario deSantis, June 21, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


An ominous suspicion: has SAHO corrupted the pension fund? By Mario deSantis, February 16, 1999. Published in the North Central Internet News


Quote by Edward Abbey, an environmentalist and writer, worked as a ranger at the Arches National Park, Utah, in the late 1950s and early 1960s.   Abbey Links: