Banning terrorist groups a start

St. Boniface - Tuesday, November 5, 2002 - by: Mike Reilly

a terrorist
is a

No wonder the US government continues to consider Canada as a source of potential security threats. Bill Graham, Canada's External Affairs minister, has refused to sanction the activities of the humanitarian wing of Hezbollah. His rational that the humanitarian arm has no relation to the militant arm is ludicrous. Any organization that sponsors terrorism is a terrorist group and should be treated so in its entirety.




Because this government continues to behave as if terrorism is not an issue in Canada and refuses to increase our national security is exactly why the US has stopped sharing information (on cases like Maher Arar) and considered imposing travel sanctions on Canadians of mid-east descent. While this may be unfair, the US cannot be faulted for looking out for its citizens. The real blame must be borne by a Liberal government which has reduced the military, Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the RCMP to the point our neighbour cannot rely on us to do our fair share of North American security. It is bad enough that we have relied on America for protection for too long. Even worse, the Prime Minister continues to deny that Canadians may be the target of terrorism and implies the victims of September 11th were to blame.




The US has asked repeatedly that Canada join them in securing our continent. The government's refusal to participate has left the Americans with no choice but to reduce Canada's status as ally. The Canadian government must take the responsibility of not only protecting its citizens but participating with our neighbour for mutual security. The outright ban of all terrorist groups in this country would be a good start.




Mike Reilly

  Maher Arar, Canadian citizen deported by US authorities to Syria
  The alarming case of Maher Arar, October 19, 2002, Toronto Globe and Mail
  McIlroy, Anne Missing inaction, Manchester Guardian, October 21, 2002
  Cohen, Tom, Travel advisory slaps U.S. policies, October 31, 2002, Associated Press, Washington Times
  Canadian Security Intelligence Service web site
  Hezbollah (party of God) web site (English)


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