John McCallum, minster of national defence, Vimy memorial

A new low

Bedford, Quebec - Thursday, September 5, 2002 - by: John Sheltus


It is a well known technique of the Liberal government to reach deep into the barrel to obtain bodies to fill that uncomfortable pew around the cabinet table reserved for defence matters. There have been exceptions, Barney Danson was one of the more outstanding examples, but the pickings lately have been lean.




The present Minister of National Defence sets a new low. Not knowing the difference between Vimy Ridge and the city of Vichy, France is bad enough, but to simultaneously lose Dieppe while at the same time giving a black eye to the Canadian school system is too much.




Perhaps the Prime Minister might take some time from Kyoto planning and consider (belatedly) that the Canadian military could play a part in his heritage. Isn't there anyone in the Liberal Party who served in a rank that brings more experience to the office than that of a cadet corps who could be appointed?


John Sheltus

  A nation that doesn't know Vichy from Vimy Susan Martinuk National Post, September 5, 2002
  Vimy or Vichy? The Gazette (Montreal) Wednesday, September 04, 2002