Ron Thornton and Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark

Joe Clark and Me

Edmonton - Monday, May 20, 2002 - by: Ron Thornton




Whether he is fighting to keep his job as a party leader or putting the squeeze on Liberal sleaze, I have found a certain affinity for Joe Clark.


For example, we were both born and raised in Alberta. Both Joe and I moved East to further our careers, with Mr. Clark heading to Ottawa, Ontario while I spent four glorious years in Rosetown, Saskatchewan.




As a former television broadcaster, my bald pate was replaced by someone who had hair, while there are some who want to replace Mr. Clark with someone who would probably look better bald.




Mr. Clark grew fat in the service of his country, while I'm already there.




Joe and his wife raised a beautiful daughter with the help of a nanny, while in my home I am the nanny.




My wife's last name began with a "C" but does not now because she changed it, while Joe's wife could have but doesn't because she didn't.
  There are those who say Mr. Clark can't count, while my own seven-year old sons once had the same problem.
  Some have said Joe Clark has gone from no chins to having many, while I have gone from one chin to wearing a beard.
  By the time each of us were forty we had been at 24 Sussex Drive, Mr. Clark living there while I once strolled outside on the sidewalk.
  At the age of 45, neither of us were the sitting Prime Minister and few thought either of us would be in the future.
  There is an undeniable congruity, further exemplified by the fact that sometimes we both use big words. The similarities are eerie.


Ron Thornton