Mark Alan Whittle with his son Logan


A right to education

Hamilton, Ontario - Friday, August 18, 2002 - by: Mark Alan Whittle


Putting the children's right to an education first is what it's all about, when it comes to the delivery of special education services legally contracted to the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. Unlike the militant American labour union fronting local 527 of the boards contracted Educational Assistants, who's union bosses loudly proclaim they are putting my son's education first, when in reality they are putting their own monetary demands in increased union dues, and those of it's members instead of staying on the job providing the vital education service our most vulnerable children deserve.


Actions like mine, that show leadership and resolve in the face of adversity, speaks volumes when it comes to really putting the kids first. In this regard union representatives Griffitt and her side-kick vice president have a lot to learn about doing what's right for the kids. What better way is there than a notice of writ to petition Superior Court launching a class action lawsuit to bring this notion of responsibility to the fore. In the real world of education, there's always a cause and effect.




I will propose to Superior Court that $100 dollars per day be awarded as relief to parents who will suffer financial hardship and extra costs associated with replacing the educational services withdrawn by legally contracted and unionized employees of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board. That is why I have taken responsibility for my sons education and put his needs first -- by helping him in class.




That's Logan and I (top of page) working the books in class, right along side the able bodied children who aren't being "targeted" in this completely unnecessary labour disruption. As a caring parent I find it hard to understand how this militant American union thinks it's in the best interests of my son to "erect a barrier" to his right to an education.




I would further submit that this pathetic injustice contravenes a number of Ontario Human Rights Commission notions of equality and inclusiveness not to mention the provisions within the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001. Last time I checked every citizen of Ontario has a responsibility to remove "barriers" to education when able. This also includes militant American Labour Unions who have local members operating in Hamilton Ontario. Kids like Logan have a right to an education like the rest.


Mark Alan Whittle

  Stepan, Cheryl and Prokaska, Lee, School kids' helpers strike, the Hamilton Spectator, October 17, 2002