Tisdale's Video Cable System Getting Overhaul

FTLComm - Tisdale - March 10, 2001

The Cable system in Tisdale is in the throws of a complete overhaul. The cable company has been advising its customers on their message board that they are making changes for much of this month but it looks like they are doing just what they say they are doing. These pictures were taken this morning and show cable installation crews working in the Trailer park area where they are stringing new lines .

The fierce competition for entertainment dollars has really hit every facit of the television market with so
many cable subscribers now tuned into their little dish direct TV systems, while others have gone to the wireless cable system provided by Image TV out of Yorkton (the former owner of the cable system). However, all these forms of television transmission including on air town to antenna transmission are continuing to operate and broadcasters continue to compete for a smaller and smaller chunk of the advertising dollar that is out there. Cable and wireless cable have extremely bright futures if they extend their service to provide Internet connections as only they have the capacity to carry mammoth loads of data on their networks.

This company's decision to upgrade Tisdale's network clearly indicates that even though they are presently seeing low revenues they ultimately will realise extensive usage if and when they begin offering Internet connections. In an information age the individual will continue to need more and more outlets to move data to and from their home and place of work and a better infrastructure is vital to these needs.

The trends are clear homes and businesses will soon all expect to be online all of the time and it will not be long to until major appliances, home heating systems as well as entertainment equipment will require a continuous link to central control. Maintenance and efficiency of our homes and personal equipment will depend upon software upgrades that are automatically installed and with an increasingly aging population close monitoring of home life will be a standard feature of the times to come.

It will not be long until your plumbing and heating company will sell you a service contract and will check up on the efficiency of your furnace and air conditioner from their office and without even sending some one out will be able to sort of possible problems with the click of a mouse button.