Trampoline Dog

FTLComm - Tisdale
May 8, 1999

Last Tuesday we had a picture of what we had mistakenly identified as our neighbours dog. Well it is our neighbour's but the neighbour lives on the other side of the football field from us. As I drove by Wednesday afternoon I spotted him serenely resting on the family trampoline. I stopped to get this picture and he immediately went into guard dog mode as he felt it was responsibility to secure the area. I talked to two teenagers about him and he is well known on the block as a good natured fellow but takes his work seriously and both I and one of the teenagers were being considered as outsiders.
And, while we are considering territorial integrity this little confrontation took place on our lawn as the Data our very own hermit cat (on the right) took exception to the visit by another individual who bares the same characteristic marking as the master of the yard. The matter was settled peacefully but not until sufficient bluster had been demonstrated to maintain a level of dignity and honour.