-----At Summer's End
FTLComm - Tisdale - September 9, 2000
In the spring the town crew did there best to clean up the former site of GT Mechanical and did some smoothing of the concrete. Some obstacles were installed and all summer long young people have enjoyed this corner of town as they learn the tricks they have seen on TV and most have mastered them. This picture was taken Friday afternoon and shows the number of young people out enjoyed the outstanding warm afternoon and the skills of the skateboarders.

The picture below seems one of those interesting events with a camera. I was stopped at the fourway stop and this lady on her scooter came through the intersection. I had the camera sitting in the window and snapped as she buzzed by. The slow shutter on my Epson PhotoPC 650 blurred the lady and scooter but definitely caught the essence of the scene. Way to go.