FTLComm - Tisdale - June 20, 2000
Two years ago today after a rather prolonged and windy dry period we at last got some much needed rain. Now after a rather cool spring we are a day away from the first day of summer and the sprinkler has been left on. A gentle rain began yesterday afternoon and continued all night. Though there is water laying and running down back alleys it has been only a pleasant rain that will do crops like the lush canola crop seen just East of town in the picture at the top of the page. This picture and those on this page were taken this morning between 9:00 and 9:45.

Tisdale has gotten over the excitement of the past weekend with one of the most successful events on record. Business and community groups pitched in to make this past weekend a lot of fun for everyone. The motorcycles started showing up on the streets in Tisdale on Thursday and that was almost a sure sign that the mood was set for good things. Ball games, the first stock car races, air show, special events at the mall and in general a light hearted fun filled weekend.

Yesterday morning and afternoon if you tried to access the Internet from Tisdale or most of Saskatchewan for that matter you would have discovered things were not working. SaskTel's cranky authentication server, the gateway that logs you in and verifies that you are a Sympatico customer, packed it in yesterday morning around 8:00 and it was mid afternoon before it was functional.

I have had some discussions with ImageTV and it looks like between $40 and $80 will get you a continuous high speed connection with the Internet later this year using Image's wireless network. The system has been working in Yorkton since April and Image plans to have their hardware in place sometime in the fall.

This morning in the gentle rain the Tisdale town crew have attacked the alley between the bus depot and the furniture warehouse. The two curbcocks in this alley are about to be replaced one of them is broken so they are going to change both of them.