FTLComm - Melfort - April 24, 1999 Saskatchewan
As you driver through this part of Saskatchewan scenes like these are common as farmers are seeding and fertillizing all in one process. These pictures were taken Friday afternoon between Tisdale and Birch Hills.
Two factors seem to be affecting the price of commodities, the weather in Southern US has been pretty wet to the extent that crops yields and quality are expected to be down somewhat and in the Southern hemisphere some production looks a bit lower then expected. This has prompted some positive moves on both the Winnipeg and Chicago commodities markets in the past two weeks. Coupled with these upward trends in prices the Canadian dollar appears to be strengthening which has an immediate return for purchasing power based on grain already marketed.

Some analysts are predicting lower seeding levels in oats and durham wheat because of low prices and over production in these commodities but large amounts of canola will be seeded this spring.