Mild Moist and Mellow!

Though spring came official last Saturday, March 21, in this part of Saskatchewan it is not that simple. Though snow was late in arriving it is still in abundance although with temperatures hovering around Zero Celcius each day the stuff is disappearing. On Wednesday, March 25, at noon this is how it looked around our yard here in Tisdale. On the right is the garden and back lawn and below the view from the deck looking back toward the location the picture on the right is taken from. Those high contrast shadows tell the story of spring and the coming summer. More of the same to come.

Temperatures each day creep up a little more as the sun rises a little further North on the Eastern horizon each day.
Beside the garden snow becomes slush then water.

This is the view of our house from the street.

Looking North up the alley we can see the march of spring. Looking South down the Alley the snow still covers all.
Shirt sleeve weather for Andrew as he inspects his Jeep. On Tuesday, March 24, the Ramblers won the league championship.
Notice the foggy sunrise Monday morning, March 22 while on the right is the sunrise this morning, March 27. In these five days the Sun's rising point has moved this far North, you can also see the remarkable loss of snow from the football field and street.
The image to the left was taken at the same time as the image directly above it only using a telephoto lense and an Olympus OM10.

The image above left was taken Sunday March 29 also with the telophoto lense which brings a certain involvement into the scene.

We have shown you pictures of Data, (left) the cat with an attitude before, he has found the arrival of spring to be a mixed blessing but is coping.