Snow Dripting

FTLComm - Tisdale - March 15, 2001

Wednesday the sun made a strong showing through much of the day but temperatures remained just below freezing. The sun's energy soaked into the dark areas melting the snow but then the lower air temperature immediately froze the result.

The high levels of available sunlight is quickly clearing the fields and open spaces of white stuff as small puddles and very gradual run off is beginning.

In the picture above you can see the snow vanished from the grass leaving the decaying piles from street clearing. It is always surprising to see how much sand and gravel comes with the removed snow.

So much of our life time experience is wrapped up in winter and there is a certain nostalgia that comes with the early portion of spring. The picture below shows a mound of snow that had been removed from some area and around it the discarded signs from a ski-doo rally.

The odd thing about these pictures that I noticed when I was taking them and what I see now on the screen is that there is a kind of beauty to this process as the images with their shadows and varieties of colour are interesting and perhaps there is a lesson to see that in almost all things there is mystery for the curious and every scene may hold a secret.