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list of various instruments and opinions about which of these seems to work best at this time. But also in WebWorks, in the Search Enginesection you will find some Directories, lists of web sites that reference other sites.

For Saskatchewan based web sites and Saskatchewan information there are a few really excellent sites that need to be checked out. SaskTel's Sympaticosite, First & Mainis right there atthe top of the list of Saskatchewan's premier web sites with frequent updates and significant information. The site has a good amount oforiginal material such as articles from the Regina Free Pressand some of the best articles on Saskatchewan issues can be found on First & Main, these are articles written by University of Reginajournalist students. These young and inquiring minds produce some fresh interpretations and present a good deal of informed insight into provincial politics and issues that affect Saskatchewan people.

If you are intending to spend all or part of your vacation in Saskatchewan the site you definitely want to check out is Virtual Saskatchewan.Tourist sites, accommodations, local events and much more fill this site to the brim. The art

IMAGE imgs/search03.jpg work on this site is especially pleasing and creative.

From the front page of Ensignyou have several newspaper buttons that access the provincial dailies and the Western Producer. This arrangement will likely change in time as we are somewhat disappointed at the low volume of content on these sites and their lack of archives makes them less then suitable sources. But many Saskatchewan weekly newspapers have their own web sites and these are among the best anywhere. Certainly the Nipawin Journalis one of the very good ones and you can access it from the button for Nipawin sites. Most other Saskatchewan Weeklies with their own web sites can be currently located on WebWorksby going to "Information"then go to newspapers and there you will find a category for Saskatchewan papers.