Saskatchewan Health Information Network-SHIN:

Ignoring its mandate and diverting money for the Y2K Nightmare

By Mario deSantis, November 4, 1999

Dr. Glenn Bartlett resigned as CEO of the Regina Health District Last week, I wrote an article about Gord Nystuen(1), president of SHIN, trying to cover his
assets by leaving the crown corporation. Yesterday, in the early morning, as I browsed the
WWW, I came to know that Dr. Glenn Bartlett resigned as CEO of the Regina Health
District(2); and yesterday as well, I received in my mail box the Fall 1999 newsletter
published by SHIN. So, today, it was natural for me to dedicate these few lines about
the SHIN flop.
benefits that will be achieved for the money spent In leaving SHIN, Nystuen has admitted that moneys have been spent to assist health
districts to cope with the Y2K nightmare(3). However, SHIN's mandate doesn't include
the provision to support Y2K services to the health care districts; in fact, this morning
as I read the 1998 Fall Report of the Provincial Auditor, I don't find any mention
whatsoever of the word Y2K. One summary of this report states "we conclude that
the corporation needs to ensure SHIN's development continues to be supported by
sound and visible reasons for the project. The Corporation should prepare a
development plan for each phase of SHIN that shows the benefits that will be achieved
  for the money spent"(4)
  I have visited the SHIN's web site(5) and I find that this crown corporation's mission
for SHIN to ignore its chartered mandate states "...SHIN is the acknowledged expert in delivering secure health information
resources for better health..." Also, I have had a look at its organization and I have
found a staff complement of seven people and a board of directors comprised of
fifteen people, including Dr. Bartlett and Brian Rourke(6), Chair of the Saskatchewan
Association of Health Organizations since 1995. Rourke has been complaining that
$50 million were not sufficient to address the Y2K Nightmare(7). Therefore, it was a
matter of a proper legal decision for SHIN to ignore its chartered mandate along with
the recommendations of the Provincial Auditor and deliver secure health moneys on
  behalf of the ailing districts such as the Regina Health Board.
Brian Rourke is still standing tall As we have mentioned, Gord Nystuen has left the corporation, Dr. Glenn Bartlett has
resigned from the Regina Health Board, and Brian Rourke is still standing tall as the
supreme asset of the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations.
  I have a simple question for Brian Rourke: How much money was diverted from SHIN
  for the Y2K Nightmare?


Saskatchewan Health Information Network: Gord Nystuen leaves his post to cover his assets, by Mario deSantis, October 23, 1999


Regina District Health Board Announces Resignation of Chief Executive Officer, November 1, 1999


The culprit of the Y2K Nightmare in Health Care is plain Corruption! by Mario deSantis, January 18, 1999


1998 Fall Report, Volume 2, Chapter 5, Part B (pp. 85-98) page 93, Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan, Regina Saskatchewan


Web site of the Saskatchewan Health Information Network,


Web site describing the accomplishments and social status of Brian Rourke


Never enough money for SAHO, by Mario deSantis, March 31, 1999