The Week of January 7 to 13, 2001

Cold Feet
January 7, 2001
A Chicago father wants to make sure his children can enjoy skating outdoors without getting cold feet. Here is the solution.
Playing With the Boys
January 8, 2001
It looks like great fun and yet this is an activity we need to think through. Here is a look at the sport from a psychological point of view.
No more Common Law and no more personal responsibility for our politicians
January 8, 2001
What about Stockwell Day's recent law suit settlement? Mario deSantis gives us his opinion.
Excellent Timing
January 8, 2001
"Look mom, the front wheel fell off!"
A thought on imagining and on predicting our reality
January 8, 2001
Mario deSantis considers the way we think about things and the way we feel things should be.
Ho Hum The Sun Doth Come
January 9, 2001
A look at this morning's sunrise and a discussion about Environment Canada. This story includes a QuickTime VR panorama.
One In Every Six People In Saskatchewan Is Hurting!
January 9, 2001
Low estimate put the number of people in Saskatchewan suffering from chronic pain at about the same number of people who live in Moose Jaw. Carey Heilman explains the need to establish a clinic and committee to deal with this issue in our province.
Research Topic: Witch Hunts
January 9, 2001
A history teacher wanted to do some class research on these topics, here are some pages that give some good information on this important topic.
Research Topic: The Black Death
January 9, 2001
A history teacher needs some locations for information on the Black Plague of the middle ages.
Who Quest
January 10, 2001
A snowy owl makes a disappearance. Pictures of last afternoon's sunset and a quest for an owl.
Did You Learn Anything?
January 10, 2001
A short editorial about the direction society seems to be headed.
A review of the book: "SYNCHRONICITY: The Inner Path of Leadership"
January 10, 2001
Mario deSantis presents a short but concise review of this widely acclaimed work on responsible leadership.
Revolution In Sound
January 12, 2001
Its been happening steadily and in a continous stream but now its time to see where we have reached and what it means.
January 12, 2001
High speed Internet Access comes to FTLComm. (sounds of Hallalulia Chorous can be heard echoing in the background)
Solid Fuel
January 12, 2001
Energy conservation and management now become major issues as fuel prices continue high.
Silver Crust
January 13, 2001
All of Saskatchewan has the glint of frost crystals on its trees, here is our contribution with some images of this display from this morning.
Depravation of Leadership, No Freedom and No Justice System in Saskatchewan
January 13, 2001
Mario deSantis voices his serious concerns about the apparent and growing restrictions on the fundamental elements of life in our province.
January 13, 2001
Two new very important letter to Ensign are published to day.