Christian Education covers such a broad spectrum in the church. There have been many people involved in many programs in 2015, and they deserve our thanks. When we think of Christian Education, what immediately comes to mind is children and young adults – in Sunday School and in youth groups.

January 2015 opened with volunteers providing basic Sunday School. The Christian Education Committee dissolved due to lack of members. To fill the information gap, Judy Krantz, provided an information channel to the board. When children came to church, parents and parishioners supervised short lessons with easy crafts – mostly of the cut, colour and paste variety that were duplicated from the Seasons of the Spirit lesson. We are grateful to Erin Norris-Pott who photocopied lessons and May, Maureen and Deanna who stepped into the Sunday School room when children arrived, but that wasn’t very often.

Last spring when Sunday School officially wound up, the children who had attended and adults who volunteered were recognised.

What was to be done to offer some excitement in Sunday School in the fall? Clearly a program which indicated a firm commitment to inspired leadership was required, but who could offer that? Gratefully, the Board followed a suggestion by Rev. Sharon to hire a local artist to provide spiritual art opportunities to Sunday School age students. Caryl Skauge was hired for the four weeks of Advent and the children of St. Paul’s and their parents responded enthusiastically to the four art projects the children did with Caryl. The 50 minutes of art never seemed like enough. Caryl has consented to lead spiritual art activities during Lent in 2016, and it is hoped that St. Paul’s children will bring some of their friends to enjoy the activities too.

Birthdays are special, and May has continued to send birthday greetings to each Sunday School child when that special day rolls around. It just reminds children that St. Paul’s is thinking of them.

Rev. Sharon held classes for those who were considering becoming members of St. Paul’s. We rejoiced, when, as a result, Jocelyn and Mike Hilkewich became members in April 2015.

Rev. Sharon initiated other opportunities for Christian Education. One of these was the book study that started last spring. These books were popular, thought-provoking titles, and ethics and spirituality played a part in discussion. In the fall,
Ada Blackjack was one of the books discussed. The program was so well-received that another book, The Dalai Lama’s Cat, is being discussed in 2016.

Another idea Rev. Sharon presented was the opportunity for parishioners and the public to learn more about Nepal, and the slide show of Sharon’s last trip was an education to everyone. It was the Women’s Fellowship who provided the organisation to make the Nepalese fundraiser a rousing success.

These initiatives have been identified as Christian Education in the broadest sense, and there are many more that could be included - like the circle conversations. I think that everyone involved deserves thanks for these educational activities, and a special thank you is due to Rev. Sharon for inspiring and guiding various parts of the church in these endeavours.

Respectfully submitted, Deanna Gruending